L’implosion politique du corps – Cabinet Psy
L’implosion politique du corps – Cabinet Psy
Exposition du 8 Avril au 16 Avril 2017
Eduardo Kac / Dani Ploeger / Jérémy Gobé / Juliette Butler / Bruce Labruce /Juan Loyola / Enrique Moreno / Inma Femenia / Rémi Tamburini / Rolando Pena / Emmanuel Van Der Auwera
“The more affected will declare that there is “nothingnew under the sun,” as in the Old Testament. As for myself, in this textament Iwill objectify that, beyond pornography and eroticism, the body emergestriumphantly. Not the massacred body of earth’s people. Not the sculpted bodyof the myths. Not only the physical body of poets. Another body. In the lineageof Sade and Duchamp: a body-poetry, an energy-writing, or any other name youwish to give it.
Eduardo Kac, “Rebelde sem Calça”, 1984
Cabinet Psy 9 rue Melingue 75019 Paris